the founder of The Delice Group. When I was fourteen years old, my dad dressed Jay-Z for the MTV Video Awards, outfitting him in one of his best bespoke suits. Despite all of that hard work, a publication credited the wrong designer as part of the red carpet-recap.
I immediately put pen to paper and wrote a letter to the magazine asking they fix their mistake. A few days later, they amended the article.
Being able to empower my father's story left a lasting impression and I set out to create the same opportunities for others.
In 2016 I launched Dyynamics, a newsletter focused on "more culture, less news," where I share insights on personal growth, career development, and contemporary culture in an attempt to answer my two constant "Ys": "wh(y)?" and "wh(y) not?"
My goal is to shine a light on the people and places who motivate and inspire me every day to expand my outlook and challenge my way of thinking.